ProDevs - Hire vetted and smart African talents today | Product Hunt

Hire remote devs up to 60% less than local equivalents

We help startups find, hire & pay the top 1% remote devs in Africa. We'll find the right dev that fits your role & culture, in 14 days.


Double your runway, with senior devs that cost 60% less than hiring locally.

Up to 60% less


USA Based Developer



Africa Based Developer


Trusted by 50+ Companies

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We connect you with the best remote | talent in Africa.

Reduce your hiring cost while maintaining high standards of quality. The African market is a vast untapped market with exceptional talents. It is a win-win situation for your business.


What We Offer

ProDevs specialises in sourcing tech talents for various African countries, roles and industries to ensure a rich talent pool size.



Our professionals are not only fluent in English but also possess extensive experience in working on international projects. This ensures that communication is clear, precise, and effective, allowing for smooth collaboration and understanding across global teams.

Time Zone Alignment

We understand the importance of real-time collaboration. That’s why we meticulously match our talents with your working hours, ensuring that they are available when you need them. This alignment facilitates seamless and efficient teamwork, minimising delays and enhancing productivity.

Payment Structure

With ProDevs, you can rest assured that all financial transactions are handled with the highest level of security. Our platform is designed to manage payments securely, providing you with peace of mind that you deserved.

Other Testimonials

"The team you helped assemble was a game changer. I've worked with people from various regions, but this team was the most talented, hardworking, and collaborative. Their effort, initiative, and dedication were astounding. I know I can rely on you to find talented individuals, and I have a go-to team for developers, designers, QAs, and business analysts whenever I need help."

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JT Liddell

CEO, Promenade

"Our experience working with ProDevs has been great so far, we’ve hired more than 3 candidates from them within a few months and i like that it takes a short while to get candidate request."


Fatayo WIlliams

Founder, TruQ

"On a scale of 1 - 10, i would say i am 7.5 percent satisfied with the level of service received, and i would say 8.5 for communication with ProDevs; i didn’t experience any issue here. Concerning the talent we hired from ProDevs, i would say nine; all are good so far. I would recommend ProDevs to other HR managers and business owners."


Nkem Ike

Head of People Operations, Payhippo Limited

"ProDevs has helped us with our engineering needs and talents, they have been efficient when it comes to helping us deliver talents from backend engineer, frontend engineer and UI/UX designer and they are really quick when it comes to reliability and speed even when there are issues, they are able to mediate on time."

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Asemote Ize Iyamu

CEO, Plug Express

We eliminate the hassle of hiring overseas talent


Average developer salary in Africa


Double your runway! Hire overseas.


Average monthly savings


Runway extension

Double your runway, with senior devs that cost 60% less than hiring locally.

Up to 60% less


USA Based Developer



Africa Based Developer


Perfect English

Our talents are excellent communicators with experience working remotely.

Cultural fit

Impacted by western traditions, you have much in common with our talents.

Find a match In 14 days

We take our time to ensure we deliver the right candidates.

Top 1% talent only

Hiring overseas can be tough, because it's hard to find the good talent. Utilize 5+ years experience sourcing talent from Africa.

From $32k per year

Did you know you can hire talented remote developers for around $32,000 - $48,000 USD per year? Let us help you get the best!

Stop the Overthinking, let us get you started.

Book a call with us, so we can guide you and know your needs.